
HVAC Answers (2023)

The company that I was working for (Johnstone Supply) sponsored a competition of HVAC professionals, and only a few weeks before that competition was broadcast learned that their sponsorship gave them a commercial slot. I had a couple whirlwind weeks of putting this commercial together, from the initial animatic storyboard to the finished product. I was responsible for sourcing stock footage, creating and integrating motion graphics, cutting the voiceover, making a remix of the music that was selected, and then putting it all together for broadcast.

It aired exactly one time on CBS Sports in the USA and Canada, but at least I can say that something I created was on TV.

Johnstone Supply Testimonials (2023)

A series of testimonials that were created in order to convince someone to apply for a job. I was the editor on this project.

Johnstone Supply Model To Part (2023)

A quick instructional video for a new website feature on Johnstone Supply’s storefront. Created in After Effects over the course of a couple weeks, I was responsible for the motion graphics and editing.

Spooky Fridays (2022)

A series of Unsolved Mysteries-esque goofs that Dewey Dean and I created for distribution on Instagram. I wrote, acted in, and edited these shorts.

Richards Homewares Assembly Instructions (2019)

Many folks were asking us for video assembly instructions, so I took that as an opportunity to teach myself how to model and animate in Cinema4D. Every part was modeled accurately down to the millimeter, to the point that I found a manufacturing defect and had to adjust the model so it wasn’t as obvious (the folding mechanism actually has the poles bonk into each other a bit, so they need to have a little wiggle room which a 3D render doesn’t have).

I was only able to make a couple videos before the pandemic hit and made everything all topsy-turvy.

Richards Homewares Product

Line-Ups (2017-2019)

Created for display at the International Home and Housewares Show in Chicago, IL. I was one of three cameramen, and also edited the reels together (only 2019 is linked here).

Riot Cop - War Child (2017)

A music video for the Portland band Riot Cop. I was the editor on this project, which was much more of an undertaking than it would normally seem, because this is live footage that they shot without a click track or recording to play against. So, every take of the performance was at a slightly different tempo, meaning I had to spend hours making sure every action matched with the selected performance. I was also responsible for choosing to crop the video to 4:3 and make it black and white, purely because it reminded me of Joy Division when I did that.

Ultimately, the video made the frontman cry when we showed it to him, so I consider this a success.

The True You (2015)

A short film that I wrote, assistant directed (and also directed a handful of scenes), and edited. Shot over the course of three days, with a few edits to the script made on set when locations fell through.

Paper Heroes (2015)

A short documentary about Comic Con that I edited. This was made with the same team as The True You.

The Killing Moon Intro (2015)

This was a school project, and one of my first real forays into using After Effects. I was probably too ambitious for the couple of weeks we had to make our final project, but I built a functional rotating diorama in AE, so everything seen here happens in one continuous shot.